LEU's AGDBMM, Jalgaon

Lewa Educational Union's

Dr. Annasaheb G. D. Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon

An 'Autonomus College' Affiliated to K.B.C North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
NAAC Re-Accredited 'A' Grade (3rd Cycle) with CGPA 3.12, ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Alumnae Association

Alumnae Association

Dr.A G D Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya Alumni Association

Our alumni are our International Ambassadors.” An alumna association is an association of female graduates, or more broadly,of former female students (alumni). These associations often organize social events, raise funds for the organization. Many provide a variety of benefits and services that help alumna maintain connections to their educational institution and fellow graduates.Today, alumni association involve graduate of all age groups and demographics.

Importance –“Today, alumna relation is an important part of an institution’s advancement, activities formany reasons”.
Alumni association under the name “Dr. Annasaheb G D Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya Alumni Association” is formed with following objectives:
  • To foster a spirit of loyalty and to promote the general welfare of our organisation.
  • To provide a forum for the Members of the Alumni Association to interact amongst themselves as also with the Principal, Teachers and the present students.
  • To bring all the Alumni under one forum for exchange of experience, dissemination of knowledge and talents amongst its members and also for the furtherance of fellowship, advancement of scientific knowledge.
  • To undertake :-
    1.  1.intellectual, academic and cultural activities
    2.  2.sports and games
    3. 3.entertainment programmes
    4.  4.augmentation of the existing infrastructure of the College.
  • To support new alumna and provide a forum to form new friendships and business relationship with people of similar background
  • To provide a common platform for the alumna of the institute to reach out to other alumna across various years, batches, branches and interests and stay involve with their alma mater and with each other, whether in person or online.

Our Pride Alumni

  • Mrs. Smita Wagh - First Lady MLA of Jalgaon District
  • Chetna Satyavijay Chaudhari - Software Engineer, Flipkart, Banglore , Now in Australia
  • Madhuwanti Pargaonkar - International Player
  • Mrs. Manjusha Talvelkar - Principal, D. Ed. College
  • Mrs. Hemlata Bamnodkar - Awarded with “Sucessful Woman Entreprenuership Award”
  • Dr. Madhulika Ajay Sonawane/ Patil - Asso. Professor, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
  • Mrs. Manjusha Talvelkar (Principal, D. Ed. College) – Social activities at Vavadda
  • Mrs. Dipali Khadke - Passed SET Exam.
  • Mrs. Jyoti Shrivastav – Director, J K English Medium School,Jalgaon
  • Aafreen Khan Sattar Khan - Appointed As a Principal, Bachpan EnglishMedium School, Jalgaon
  • Mrs. Dipali Khadke - Appointed As a Principal, Shahu Maharaj B. Ed.College, Jalgaon
  • Mrs. Anjali Kulkarni - Associate Professor, Iqra College, Jalgaon.

Dr. A G D Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya Alumni Association - AGDBMMAA

Members of first executive Committee
Sr No. Full Name Designation Mobile No Occupation Education
1 Mrs. Patil Manisha Chandrashekhar President 9420390723 Service M Sc, Ph D
2 Mrs. Patil Kirti Ravindra Vice-President 9422209245 Advocate BSc, LLB
3 Mrs. Patil Ranjana Baburao Secretary Service M.A.
4 Mrs. Patil Minal Tushar Joint-Secretary 9420388885 Service M Sc
5 Mrs Chaudhari Bharati Rajshekar Treasurer Service M.A.
6 Mrs. Ladhe Yogeshwari Vasantrao Internal Auditor 9921040367 Service M Com, M Phil
7 Dr. Chaudhari Vandana Satish Member Service B A M Ed, Ph D
8 Khadke Dipali Deepak Member 7588648002 Service M Sc, M Ed (SET)
9 Ahire Ujwala Ishwar Member 8956965683 Service
10 Bhole Jyoti Kiran Member Service
11 Khadke Ujwala Ganesh Member Service